To renew or to become a member: you can access a membership form online or download and print the membership PDF here and mail to P.O. Box 50611, Sarasota, FL 34232-0305.
Memberships offer reduced prices to our events and support for the C. G. Jung Society of Sarasota and its mission. Memberships are also tax deductible. Our membership is valid from November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016. |
Small Groups:
BRING A DREAM, facilitated by Irene Moksha on Tuesdays from 7:15 to 8:45 PM. Participants in the Dream Groups are asked to keep a dream journal and be willing to share their dreams with the group. We will work with dreams in much the same way we understand C.G. Jung did, looking for symbols which will lead us to understanding the messages from our psyche in order to help us in the process of individuation.
Contact Irene Moksha for more information and location.
Facilitated by Barbara Shocket, M.S., LMHC& David Eisner, Psy.D., NCPsyA.
What are the evolving relationships between archetypes and the personal unconscious? Ancient Greek and Roman drama provide a rich resource for exploring this question by focusing on formative psychological battles, both intrapsychic and interpersonal. Themes of vengeance, justice, love, and betrayal still resonate today on multiple levels of self and society. Our dynamic reading and ongoing study group continues with a reading of Six Tragedies by Seneca, translated by Emily Wilson.
Contact Barbara Shocket: 941.350.8495 or email for more information.
Group meets at Argosy University, 5250 17th St, Sarasota, FL 34235 |
Annual Meeting Thursday, November 5, 2015 from 5 to 7PM Following a brief meeting to answer questions about this year’s programs and the election of board members, hors d’oeuvres will be served and attendees will have a chance to meet, mingle, and share with new and current members. We urge all current members and potential members to attend. The Community Foundation of Sarasota – 2635 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34237 |
Tuesday, September 22 – 3 to 5PM
What happens when good and evil meet in a Southwest Desert Inn? Let’s see this psychological thriller, explore its archetypal themes and symbolism, and share our observations. This is a free program, open to the community, in conjunction with the ongoing Jung Society study group in Mythopoetic Literature For further information, contact Barbara Shocket, or David Eisner, |
Schedule of lectures and workshops:
Linda Albert Lecture: Fri., Nov. 20, 7 – 9PM The Many-Sided Archetype of Aging: Inevitable, Eternal, and Evolving. Workshop: Sat., Nov. 21, 10AM – 4PM Living Longer, Living Wisely, Living Deeply, Bringing the Archetype to Life: Techniques and Practices James Hollis, Ph.D Lecture: Fri., Jan. 29, 7 – 9PM Relationships: the Psychodynamics of Self and Other Workshop: Sat., Jan. 30, 10AM – 4PM Relationships: the Psychodynamics of Self and Other Lucie Magnus, M.A., LPC Lecture: Fri., Feb. 19, 7 – 9PM The Alchemy of Eros: Lust and Longing, Love and Loss Workshop: Sat., Feb. 20, 10AM – 4PM Beyond the Belle: An Explanation and Exploration of Toni Wolff’s Structural Forms of the Feminine Psyche Elaine Mansfield and Jean Raffa, Ed.D Lecture: Fri., Mar. 11, 7 – 9 PM The Lessons of Mortality and Grief: Loss as an Initiation into Self Workshop: Sat., Mar.12, 10AM – 4PM Journey into the Underworld: Ancient Myth as Contemporary Guide
Bob Waxman Lecture: Fri., Apr.1, 7 – 9PM Jung’s Fascination with the Paranormal and Mysticism
Workshop: Sat., Apr. 2, 10AM – 4PM Jungian Concepts Related to the Paranormal and Mysticism
Board Directory
Phyllis K. Jensen, Psy.D – President
Stu Mathewson – Treasurer
Urte Tuerpe – 1st Vice President
Cindy Evans – Secretary
Candace Boyd – Board Member
Frances Doyle – President Emeritus