Encountering the Psyche: Fundamental Concepts in Analytical Psychology
A video sequence of 12 modules ranging in length from 45 to 90 minutes, added approximately bi-monthly on Teachable. These short courses are a great introduction to the concepts of Jungian psychology and are presented by Angelo Spoto through our partnership with the C.G. Jung Library of Tampa Bay.
We receive a commission if you purchase any of these courses through our affiliate links below. It’s a great way to support The C. G. Jung Society of Sarasota while learning about Jung and Jungian concepts!
The Life and Work of C.G. Jung
“My life has been permeated and held together by one idea: namely, to penetrate into the secret of the personality. Everything can be explained from this central point, and all my works relate to this one theme.”
Complex, Archetype, Symbol, & Myth
Discover how the four terms in the title of this course are intimately connected in Jung’s psychological model, and how they dynamically interact with one another in everyday life.
The Persona complex contains archetypal energy coming from the depths of the psyche that moves the personality out into the everyday world, to interface with the who and the what that is “out there” in our environment.
Identifying and Owning Your Shadow
The Shadow is conceivably the most important concept that Jung’s psychology offers in our time.
Anima ~ Animus
Jung refers to Anima / Animus work as the masterpiece of the individuation process.
The Archetypal Self
There is something in the psyche beyond the ego that is actively and intimately involved in our individuation process.
This lecture highlights Jung’s contribution to the re-enchantment of the universe by way of a concept that brings science and spirituality back into dialogue, following their hostile estrangement beginning in the 17th century.
Dreams & Active Imagination
Concepts are coinage; images are truth.
“Individuation does not shut one out from the world, but gathers the world unto oneself.” – C.G. Jung
- Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
- Ego
- Typology